
平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [美國直購 ShopUSA] Logitech 耳麥 USB Headset H540 for PC Calls and Music - Black B0091F8F7A _TC1


就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [美國直購 ShopUSA] Logitech 耳麥 USB Headset H540 for PC Calls and Music - Black B0091F8F7A _TC1


[美國直購 ShopUSA] Logitech 耳麥 USB Headset H540 for PC Calls and Music - Black B0091F8F7A _TC1


[美國直購 ShopUSA] Logitech 耳麥 USB Headset H540 for PC Calls and Music - Black B0091F8F7A _TC1


20140119bs_Logitech B0091F8F7A

  • Premium headset for PC calls and music: High-performance laser-tuned drivers and built-in EQ for precision audio

  • Plug-and-play USB connection: Instantly enjoy music, movies and calls in rich digital stereo sound

  • Rotating boom microphone: Reduces background noise for clear chats, rotates up and hides away when you?re listening to music

  • On-ear controls and mute indicator light: Easy to adjust volume, mute the microphone and see when the mic is muted

  • Ultra-comfortable design: Soft, padded leatherette headband and ear cups feel good even after hours of listening

  • Product Details

    Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 7 x 3 inches ; 10.6 ounces

    Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces

    ASIN: B0091F8F7A

    Item model number: 981-000510

    Product Description

    From the Manufacturer


    Logitech G600 MMO Gaming Mouse (white)


    Logitech USB Headset H540

    High-performance for PC calls and music

    Bring your Internet calls, music, movies and online videos to life with this precision-audio stereo headset. Simply plug the USB cord into your desktop or laptop computer to instantly immerse yourself in pure, rich digital sound.

    noteworthy features

    Plug-and-play USB connection


    Plug-and-play USB connection

    Simply plug in your headset to instantly start enjoying calls and music in pure, crisp digital stereo.

    Hear every detail

    Hear every detail

    Laser-tuned drivers and a built-in equalizer optimize sound and minimize distortion, so you can experience the rich audio details in all of your music, movies and calls.

    Crystal-clear chatting, Skype-certified


    Crystal-clear chatting, Skype-certified

    High-quality mic reduces background noise so friends, family and business associates hear you clearly

    Flips up and hides away when you're not on a call

    Easy on-ear sound controls


    Easy on-ear sound controls

    Quickly adjust volume or mute the microphone with easy-to-reach, separate, no-look controls.

    On-cord mute indicator light


    On-cord mute indicator light

    You'll never talk with the mute on again, thanks to the bright, easy-to-see mute light.

    Lasting comfort


    Lasting comfort

    Soft leatherette padding is easy on your ears, especially when you're listening to music or chatting for hours

    Padded headband conforms naturally to the contours of your head for a perfect and comfortable fit


    Logitech USB Headset H540 for PC Calls and Music

    What's in the box

    USB Headset


    Works with

    Windows or Mac OS

    USB port

    [美國直購 ShopUSA] Logitech 耳麥 USB Headset H540 for PC Calls and Music - Black B0091F8F7A _TC1

    相關 [美國直購 ShopUSA] Logitech 耳麥 USB Headset H540 for PC Calls and Music - Black B0091F8F7A _TC1


    國民黨團副書記長蔣萬安指出,鬆綁7休1、拉高加班工時至54小時,及縮短輪班間隔至8小時等,都是實質拉長勞工工時。(photo by 鄭羿菲/台灣醒報) 分享 facebook 每11天就有勞工過勞而死!國民黨團副書記長蔣萬安13日在記者會上指出,「拉長勞工總工時的3部分,包括鬆綁7休1、拉高加班工時至54小時,及縮短輪班間隔至8小時等,黨團反對到底。」同黨書記長林為洲表示,「國民黨也贊成修法,而黨團版本只支持特休假遞延1年、輪班間隔11小時訂實施日期,與加班實質換補修等3方向。」綠營智庫「台灣世代智庫」13日在記者會上公佈「一例一休」修法民調,有68.3%的民眾支持政院修法的方向,其中「泛綠」受訪者佔491人、泛藍受訪者僅有316人,雙方陣營差距175人,儘管如此,泛藍受訪者中也有53.3%的民眾支持行政院提出的例休修法方向,而藍委們也提出自己的版本,要為勞工爭權益。沒有數據如盲人摸象林為洲洲13日在「照顧勞工回歸初心,三主張三反對」記者會上批評,政院此次修例休,就像去年推動例休的方式,不聽各界提出的意見就要強行付委、強行表決通過,無法以科學數據說服民眾此次例休修法是往好的方向進行,不會再度造成這11個月以來的修法亂象。「民調數字不能充分表達修法方向所呈現的『效益』,國民黨也贊成修法,但修法不能修惡。」林為表示,政府修重大法案應提出「效益評估」與「負面衝擊影響評估」,如幾萬家企業需要彈性?多少勞工可能「被『強制』彈性」?但勞動部卻沒有「任何數據」,政院如此大開資方方便之門的修法就像「盲人摸象」。台勞動條件落後14年「行政院說修法是『趕上國際潮流』,實際上早已落後14年,根本『笑掉國際大牙』。」蔣萬安指出,國際勞工組織在1990年的「夜間工作建議書」中,明定輪班勞工每24小時至少需要休息11小時、歐盟2003年的「工作時間指引」也是如此規定,勞動部如今卻想走回頭路,縮短輪班間隔時間至8小時?蔣萬安解釋,國民黨團的版本贊成3方向,包括1、特休假沒休完,可由「勞工」指定遞延1年,若再沒休完,則雇主發給工資。2、輪班間隔至少需要11小時訂定實施條款,希望訂在2019年7月1日,讓企業能調整人力、勞動主管機關也能給予輔導。3、加班可由勞工指定要拿加班費或補休,若在一定時間內沒補休,雇主則需發給加班費。藍反對拉長總工時「對勞動條件修惡的3個部分,包括鬆綁7休1、每3個月為一期計算的『工時銀行』,每月最高加班54小時,及縮短輪班間隔到8小時,國民黨團一致反對。」蔣萬安說,這3項修惡無法達成「縮短工時」的目標,台灣2016年勞工總工時為2034小時,遠高於「經濟合作暨發展組織」(OECD)的年平均工時1766小時,且勞保局也統計,在2011~2015年,平均每11天就有勞工過勞死,政府不該重視給予勞工合理的休息嗎?【更多精采內容,詳見】 [美國直購 ShopUSA] Logitech 耳麥 USB Headset H540 for PC Calls and Music - Black B0091F8F7A _TC1


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